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Menampilkan postingan yang diurutkan menurut relevansi untuk kueri recipes of cake. Urutkan menurut tanggal Tampilkan semua postingan

Apple Cake-Fresh Apple Cake Recipe

Apple cake is a very popular and a delicious dessert/cake. This is one of the most simple cakes, I have ever baked. I got the recipe from the Redmond pressure multicooker 100 recipes book. Though I have baked the cake in  multi cooker, you can use oven or even cooker to bake the cake. This cake does not have butter or oil in it, yet it was so soft and spongy. Today we will learn how to make
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Simple Chocolate Cake

Hurray! I have completed 50 posts. So I wanted to celebrate it with a Chocolate cake. Before that I would like to share with you all, a few things. I started blogging just to keep a record of all my recipes. Another reason - may be when my kids grow up they can refer their mom's blog from wherever they settle down. Isn't it? But now I got hooked to it and I have also learnt many things after
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