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Easy Bread Pudding-Bread Pudding Recipe-Bread Recipes

Bread pudding is a dessert made with bread. Leftover bread can be make into a delicious dessert. It is a great way to use leftover bread. So next time, if you have leftover bread, try this bread pudding and let me know. Today we will learn how to make bread pudding following this easy recipe with step wise pictures. 

Easy Bread Pudding

 Prep Time : 10 mins

 Cook Time : 60 mins 
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Mango Shrikhand Recipe-Amrakhand Recipe-Mango Recipes

Shrikhand is a very popular Indian dessert made from strained yogurt. It is one of the main desserts in Maharashtrian and Gujarati cuisine. In Gujarati cuisine, shrikhand is eaten either as a side-dish with breads such as poori  or as a dessert. It is commonly served as part of a vegetarian thali in Gujarati restaurants and is popular as part of wedding feasts.(source-Wiki) A popular variation
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5-Minutes Chocolate Mug Cake-Microwave Chocolate Cake (with eggless,steamed option)

Are you searching for a Valentine's dessert to surprise your sweetheart, then search no more, you have come to the right place. There are so many 5 minutes cake out there, after experimenting so many recipes, with trial and error, I finally settled with this recipe after making few changes. Can you believe that you can make chocolate cake in a mug in just 3 minutes.Yes, it is true, it is so
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Apple Cake-Fresh Apple Cake Recipe

Apple cake is a very popular and a delicious dessert/cake. This is one of the most simple cakes, I have ever baked. I got the recipe from the Redmond pressure multicooker 100 recipes book. Though I have baked the cake in  multi cooker, you can use oven or even cooker to bake the cake. This cake does not have butter or oil in it, yet it was so soft and spongy. Today we will learn how to make
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Pal Kozhukattai Recipe-Chettinad Pal Kolukattai-Easy Kozhukattai Recipes

Paal Kozhukattai is a very popular Chettinad sweet/dessert prepared with jaggery/sugar and coconut milk.This is an authentic recipe in which the dumplings are prepared by soaking and grinding rice. It tastes great and is simple to prepare. Today we will learn how to prepare paal kolukattai following this easy recipe.

How to make Pal Kozhukattai

Prep time - under 15 mins
Cook time - under
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Ada Pradhaman Recipe-Kerala style (with jaggery and coconut milk)-Onam Sadya Menu Recipes

Ada Pradhaman is another classic dessert or traditional payasam of Kerala. Payasam especially Ada payasam, be it palada payasam (prepared with rice ada, milk and sugar) or ada pradhaman (prepared with jaggery, rice ada and coconut milk) is especially popular during the festival of Onam. It  is an integral part of Onam Sadhya Menu. Today we will learn how to make Ada Pradhaman following this
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