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Black Beans Sundal-Black Turtle Beans Sundal Recipe

Black beans are also known as "black turtle beans". They are very delicious and also nutritious. They have many essential nutrients that our body needs to function properly. I had a bag of black beans lying in my pantry. As it is Navratri now, I decided to make sundal with black beans for a change. Today let us learn how to make healthy and delicious black bean sundal following this easy recipe
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Avocado Salad Recipe-Easy Salad Recipes

Avocados can be enjoyed in many ways other than guacamole. Avocados contain a wide variety of nutrients. They are low in sodium, high in dietary fiber and has no cholesterol. Avocado salad is absolutely delicious and takes only 5 minutes to make! Today we will learn to make a simple salad with avocados.

Avocado Salad Recipe

 Prep Time : 5 mins

 Serves: 1
 Recipe Category: 
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Fruit Salad with Ice Cream-Mixed Fruit Salad Recipe

Fruit salad  is a very delicious dessert which can be made in just 15 minutes. Kids and adults alike will enjoy it a lot.  I have made it in Indian style with sugar syrup and topped it with vanilla ice cream. Learn to make this delicious Indian style fruit salad with ice cream following this easy recipe. 

Fruit Salad with Ice Cream

 Prep Time : 15 mins

 Serves: 2
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Rajma Sundal Recipe-Kidney Beans Sundal-Sundal Recipes

Navaratri,2013 starts on the 5th of October and will continue for 9 days until Sunday, the 13th of October. I have already posted  9 sundal recipes for Navratri, here is another easy sundal recipe prepared with kidney beans. Today we will learn how to prepare rajma sundal following this easy recipe.

Rajma (Kidney beans) Sundal

Prep time -under 5 mins
Cook time -under 20 mins
Serves - 2

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Brown Rice Salad Recipe with Beans-Brown Rice Double Beans Salad

Brown rice salad with double beans is one of my favorite dish with brown rice. It is filling, nutritious and also very tasty. Whenever my husband (he does not like brown rice) is away, this is my lunch. It hardly takes 15 minutes to prepare this. You do not need any side dish for this. It makes a complete meal loaded with vitamins, protein, fiber and antioxidants. Today we will learn how to
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Peanut Chaat Recipe-How to make Peanut Chaat (salad)

Peanut Chaat is a very delicious and healthy snack prepared with boiled peanuts and fresh vegetables. It is rich in protein and is a perfect tea time treat. Adults and kids alike will love this chaat. It is so easy to prepare 

and no doubt healthy also. Today we will learn how to prepare peanut chaat following this easy recipe. 

Peanut Chaat Recipe

Prep time - under 15 mins
Cook time -
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Moong Dal Cucumber Salad-Pasi Paruppu Kosumalli Recipe

Kosumalli  also known as Kosumbari is a traditional South Indian salad prepared with fresh vegetables and mostly soaked moong dal. There are many combinations and this is one of them. I love salads and can have it any time without any accompaniment. Today let us learn a very simple and healthy Indian salad following our easy recipe. 

How to prepare Kosumalli/ salad 

Prep time - under 15
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