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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Gardening tips. Tampilkan semua postingan

How to Grow Mint at Home in Pots-How to Grow Pudina

Growing Mint or for that matter any herbs is very easy and you do not need much space. A small balcony is enough to start a herb garden. As mint is easy to grow, you can start your own herb garden with mint. Homegrown mint is fragrant, flavorful, tastes better than what you get in the market and of course pesticide free. Today we will learn how to grown mint easily at home in pots/bags.

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How to Grow Vallarai at Home

The botanical name of vallarai is "Centella asiatica" and is commonly known as centella and Gotu kola. It is known as Indian Penny Wort in English. When I posted Vallarai Thuvaiyal recipe, I got many queries asking me how to grow vallarai at home, hence this post. Vallarai as we all know is a medicinal herb and is are used for improving memory and curing many diseases. You can make many dishes
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How to compost naturally?

As I have mentioned earlier, that my blog is not just to share recipes but also to create awareness on subjects which I am passionate about. Now-a- days most of the food we eat consist of traces of chemical fertilizers and pesticides which is very harmful for our health. It causes diseases like cancer and other chronic illness. It is difficult to source organic products and mostly the price is
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