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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Chocolate. Tampilkan semua postingan

Black Forest Cake Recipe-Easy Black Forest Cake from scratch with step wise pictures

I am not very fond of cakes but I am a big fan of black forest cake. I wanted to bake it last year itself but could not make it. This time I decided to bake this delicious black forest cake for New Year. It was very delicious and just melted in our mouth. The cake is prepared with the combination of chocolate cake, whipped cream and cherries. I have made it easier by dividing the recipe into 4
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Chocolate Coconut Macaroons-Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons Recipe

In my last post, I shared the recipe of plain coconut macaroons. Today I am sharing chocolate dipped coconut macaroons with you all. Except for the chocolate part, rest of the recipe is the same as coconut macaroons. These chocolate coconut macaroons are  absolutely delicious, easy to make and takes the coconut macaroons to the next level. Today we will learn how to make chocolate dipped
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Eggless Whole Wheat Oats Cake Recipe-Whole Wheat Oats Chocolate Cake

This whole wheat oats chocolate cake was moist, soft, lightly sweet and delicious with chocolate sauce topping. Once you measure all the ingredients and keep it ready, it is just a matter of few minutes to make this cake. Moreover you do not need any mixer to make this cake. I love to bake cakes with whole wheat flour, oats, millet flour and other food grains rather than maida/all purpose flour
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Chocolate Burfi Recipe-Chocolate Burfi with Khoya-Double Layered Chocolate Burfi

Hope you all had a great Diwali. My apologies for not answering all your mails and comments as I was on a break for a week. I made these delicious chocolate double layered burfi with unsweetened khoya/mava for Diwali. I have made chocolate burfi with maida and milk powder several times but this is the first time I am making chocolate two layered burfi with khoya. Chocolate burfi with khoya is
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5-Minutes Chocolate Mug Cake-Microwave Chocolate Cake (with eggless,steamed option)

Are you searching for a Valentine's dessert to surprise your sweetheart, then search no more, you have come to the right place. There are so many 5 minutes cake out there, after experimenting so many recipes, with trial and error, I finally settled with this recipe after making few changes. Can you believe that you can make chocolate cake in a mug in just 3 minutes.Yes, it is true, it is so
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Simple Chocolate Cake

Hurray! I have completed 50 posts. So I wanted to celebrate it with a Chocolate cake. Before that I would like to share with you all, a few things. I started blogging just to keep a record of all my recipes. Another reason - may be when my kids grow up they can refer their mom's blog from wherever they settle down. Isn't it? But now I got hooked to it and I have also learnt many things after
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